
Buy Green-backed Twinspot Online


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The Green-backed Twinspot  or green twinspot (Mandingoa nitidula) is the smallest member of its family species in the vast area of Tropical Africa and is often referred to as a Schlegel’s twinspot. The olive green and red/orange coloring along with the white spots on the belly will delight any avian enthusiast!  Both members of the pair build a large untidy nest and share incubation duties.

Geography: Green-backed Twinspot inhabits lowland moist forests of the tropical region. It may also be found in grassland and shrubland habitats of sub-Saharan Africa.

Song / Call: Click to hear the Green-backed Twinspot! 


Size / Weight: 10–11 cm (4″); 8.5g

Sexing: Males are distinguished from females by their bright red facial feathers. Females have an olive-green face and darker (almost black) beak.

Temperament: The beautiful and peaceful finch species enjoys a large, planted aviary. However, do not house them with Star Finches. Temperatures in captivity should not dip below 70 °F or exceed 84 °F. Green back twinspots may be housed as single pairs, singles, or in groups up to four pairs in a large flight. They mix very well with other finches of their temperament and do well in mixed aviaries.

Breeding:  The Green-backed Twinspot prefers its privacy in regards to breeding. Males in the breeding season will raise their heads, looking straight up while “dancing” on the perch next to the female, moving in a side-stepping fashion. The female, if receptive, will crouch down and point her tail to the male. Green backed twinspots tend to pair with one female and care for her and the young while breeding. Up to four eggs are laid about five days after mating, usually one daily. The female will go in and out of the nest frequently until all eggs are laid and will sit in place to incubate thereafter, ensuring all hatch in relatively close proximity.

Diet: Classic Seed Mix, Australian Blend Goldenfeast, Millet, Mineral Grit, Cuttlefish Bone, wild grass seeds, fresh bananas, meal worms, sprouted seeds and a large variety of small insects

Info Courtesy of Wikipedia

DNA Testing:

If there is no gender option listed for a bird on our website, that particular species is ‘monomorphic’, which means we’re unable to determine gender without purchasing DNA testing. DNA testing is an additional $149 per bird to guarantee preferred gender. DNA testing may add an additional 3-6 plus weeks to estimated delivery time to allow for gender results. See our FAQs for more info.


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