
Buy Golden Bellied Grosbeaks Online


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The Golden-Bellied Grosbeak for sale, or Southern Yellow Grosbeak (Pheucticus chrysogaster), is a species of cardinal in the Cardinalidae family. It is very similar to, and has sometimes been considered conspecific with the Mexican yellow grosbeak. The southern yellow grosbeak is found in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. Its natural habitats are subtropical or tropical dry forests, subtropical or tropical moist montane forests, subtropical or tropical dry shrubland, and heavily degraded former forest. Grosbeaks are medium-large, distantly related songbirds with very thick, seed-cracking bills. These exotic cardinal finches are mostly found in conifer and deciduous forests in North America. They belong in the finch and cardinal families.

Geography: Pacific slope of Mexico from central Sonora to northwestern Oaxaca, and in southern Chiapas and Guatemala

Song / Call: Click here for Golden Bellied Grosbeak Song

Size: 8.5″ to 9.5″ long

Life Span: No information found

Sexing: Depending on age, can be visually sexed without DNA testing

Temperament: No information found

Breeding:  A cup nest is built at medium height in a bush or small tree

Diet: Goldfinch Seed Mix, Fruits



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